Surgical Services
Surgical Services
At the Medical Center of Southeast Texas, we offer a wide range of surgical services. From the most complex open heart operations to minimally invasive outpatient procedures we offer the most advanced technologies accompanied by compassionate, quality care.
Contact Us
2555 Jimmy Johnson Blvd
Port Arthur, TX 77640
Outpatient Surgery
New technologies also enable us to perform many operations on an outpatient basis. These procedures minimize surgical trauma and the time needed for recovery, so you can return to the comfort of your home on the same day as surgery.
The Medical Center of Southeast Texas Offers Minimally Invasive Procedures
Thanks to breakthroughs in medical technology, many surgical procedures that once involved major operations can now be performed through tiny incisions and instruments guided by sophisticated, miniature cameras. As a result, patients heal faster, can return more quickly to their normal activities, and experience much less scarring.
Some of our surgery suites are specifically designed for these procedures. The high-tech equipment includes computerized touch-screen controls for easy adjustments to lighting levels and positioning of cameras and plasma-screen monitors.

Forty years ago, Patrick G., injured his right shoulder. Following the initial injury, when he played sports, he’d have pain, but the next day it would be gone. As years went by, the pain lasted longer and was more severe, eventually limiting the use of his arm to the point where he could no longer perform normal activities of daily living. That’s when he decided to see Steward Health Care Orthopedic Surgeon Pamela Jones, MD, and he hasn’t looked back.
MC Southeast Minimally Invasive Surgery – Samuel J. Harden, M.D., FACS